Liraz Assouline


She was eulogized: “She was all of ours. She called me… ‘Mom… I hear gunshots… How can it be…
Just like that, for no reason… Disturbing the party…’
Then the voice ceased, only footsteps were heard.
Fear, terror, and trembling –
And the mother’s heart foretold her evil.
As the hours passed until the news arrived that beautiful Liraz
Was taken to Gaza,
Looking at the door, whispering a prayer,
Radiating strength, yet inside… collapsing.
Where are you, my daughter? Let us know you’re okay.
Come and say it’s all a dream;
That you’re just traveling around the world,
And with you as always, everything is perfect.
On long nights, I think of you,
Turning every stone to see your face,
But as hope slowly creeps in,
Again, a knock on the door
And the bearer’s face says it all –
No words…
Liraz is no more – she will never return.
A world without her will never be perfect.
She rose in a storm to heaven among angels
And seraphim stand above and weep
And kneel in supplication before the Most High.
Have mercy on the family – grant them comfort.
We will forever remember our Liraz
From today, the daughter of all of us.”

Funeral Date: 17/10/2023
Shloshim Date: 15/11/2023

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