Liel fought terrorists and rescued the wounded alongside her father, Deputy Chief Yitzchak Buzakshvili, commander of the Segev Shalom station. On his last trip to Re’im, he insisted that she stay at the Ofakim station. During an exchange of fire in Re’im, his armored vehicle was hit by a missile and he fell defending the country. May his memory be blessed.
3 Responses
The mesirat nefesh of your father will never be forgotten. Klal Yisrael and my family are forever grateful for his/her bravery. May his memory be a blessing.
The mesirat nefesh of your beloved, Yitzchak, will never be forgotten. Klal Yisrael and our shul and family are forever grateful for his bravery. May his memory be a blessing.
A true hero. We, as part of the larger family of Klal Yisrael, are grieving with you.
May the family have strength.
May his death be avenged.