“When you enlisted, you were so proud, feeling that it was your calling. Even when mom and dad tried to dissuade you from going into danger zones, you’d repeat, ‘Who else will do the job?’ You knew it was your life’s mission,” eulogized his brother Hanan. “On army leave, you’d come to mom and dad’s house and play with your nephews. You brought us a new sister to the family, dear Ayelet. You were the uncle and aunt every child dreams of,” his brother added. “You were keen to provide Ayelet with a stable foundation. I learned from you to love Israel, unity. Watch over us from above.”
One Response
Dear Natan family,
Please accept the deepest condolences from this Jewish brother in America on the loss of Yissaschar. His brother’s words beautifully portray Yissaschar’s love for his family, his dedication to Am Yisrael, his joy from being alive. Yissaschar always will inspire those who never had the pleasure of meeting him. He will be an immortal blessing to Am Yisrael. May God avenge his blood and may you be comforted among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.