He was eulogized: “Nissim, our dear and beloved son, 30 days have passed since you left us on that black Sabbath that fell upon the people of Israel, and we are still unable to comprehend that we will no longer meet, that we cannot hug and kiss you, talk and laugh together about all that life has thrown our way. We pray that God envelops you in love and keeps you safe as you did for everyone you encountered.
We miss you terribly and wish to see you, even for a few minutes.
We promise to always be with you, to visit you and tell you everything, about the family, your sisters, your nephews and nieces, and your in-laws who love you so much and miss you dearly.
Watch over us from above, guide us, and give us strength.
We will love you forever,
Mom and Dad.”
One Response
The mesirat nefesh of your beloved son, Nissim, will never be forgotten. Klal Yisrael and our shul and family are forever grateful for his bravery. May his memory be a blessing.