The security coordinator of Kfar Azza, he fought bravely, risking his life to protect his family and home. A heroic man who saved his family and many of his peers. A wonderful person, pleasant to interact with, intelligent, and always willing to help everyone.
5 Responses
Im so sorry for your loss, may he rest in peace. We appreciated all he did for our country
The mesirat nefesh of your courageous husband will never be forgotten.
Klal Yisrael and our community are forever grateful for his bravery and stand with you in your sorrow.
May his memory be a blessing and strengthen Israel and the world in our fight for good against evil.
It was so heartbreaking to learn of the tragic loss of your….I hope it will bring some
comfort to know that others are with you in your sorrow. May his memory be a
blessing and strengthen Israel and the world in our fight against evil.
-Rachel Silva
Lower Merion Synagogue
Lower Merion, PA USA
I am deeply sorry about the tragic loss of Shachar Aviani. He will always be remembered for his bravery. Although I live in the US, I am deeply grateful to him for protecting our homeland and our people. May G-d comfort you and help heal your pain.
The mesirat nefesh of Shachar will never be forgotten. Klal Yisrael is forever grateful for his bravery, and helping others during the darkest day of the past 50 years. May his memory be a blessing and his Neshama have an Aliya. Sending you warmth from Philadelphia.